The surgery went fine and I went home the next day.Trent was so awesome! Really going the extra mile with handling everything!
My good friend Bethany was here from Georgia visiting me. I was having a hard time talking to her. My mouth kept going numb. I continued to have problems that got worse through the night. The next morning we called the DR who told us to get to the hospital right away. By the time I got there, I was having a thyroid storm. It was very painful, and scary. Apparently, my parathyroid had been damaged in surgery, and that is what controls our calcium. I was running out! After a team of Dr's and nurses worked on me, I was beginning to come out of it. It took 3 more days in the hospital to get that regulated.
I came home to wonderful messages on my driveway, flowers, flowers, and more flowers! I even had Christmas in July from a friend. The first gift was a scarf, because I had confided in her that I was worried about the ugly scar on my neck!

Here is Aiden trying to entertain me and to cheer me up! What a cutie! Aiden and Taryn were here with us alone for 2 weeks. They had a great time, but really missed their siblings.

Here are some pictures of my neck about a week later. My throat was very sore for about a week, my neck for about a month. But overall, I think the scar will not look that bad.

About 2 weeks later, I was chomping at the bit to leave to go and get the kids. I had to see the Dr the day before to get the approval. When I did I was soooooo happy. After all that had happened, I needed to get out of town. I still was to take it easy, so I did not get to swim or play much, but it was so nice to see my family! We went to Missouri, my Mom met us there with the kids. I was able to see both grandparents, and some Aunts & Uncles, and my Dad drove down to see me too. It was a short visit, but very nice. I even got to see my brother Brenden who is a missionary in West Virginia. He got special permission for us to take him out to Dinner with his comp. I will add pictures as soon as I can figure out the camera that they are on! :+)

We stopped at the Arch on our way home. I have always wanted to take the kids here. I came a lot when I was a kid. It was great!
We went ahead and used our Six Flags tickets. I was good and did not ride anything. I still had a great time watching the kids have fun. The characters were fun to see also!
Well, Heidi, I don't know how I missed it, but I did not know you were diagnosed with cancer. What a scary challenge, and I know you probably didn't feel like it, but you look amazing even with all you were going through. I'm so glad to hear that you got part of your getaway and that you are doing better. Now I'll know to be praying for ya! Take care and hugs to you....btw - what is your brother's last name?? Maybe we've met him or will in the future....
Thanks Mandy. I still have cancer. It is showing up on their preliminary tests. It is not in my lymph nodes though, so they think either there is residual in the neck still, or it has moved to my bones or lungs. Those are the only other places this type of cancer goes. I am in the preparatory stage now for radiation treatments. They will do a radiation scan over my full body and that will tell them where the cancer is. They will adjust the treatments to their findings. I will not be able to go home for 3 days after radiation or I will put my kids at risk. All this will happen after I follow a medicine and strict diet regiment preparing me for it. Overall, things are much better. We are very optimistic. The Dept of Nuclear Medicine in Richmond has a very high success rate.
My Brother is in Beckley WV. He is in the Charleston Mission. Where are you? His name is Elder Harmston.
My dear Heidi. You are one of the strongest people that i know. I will keep you in my prayers. You have such a positive attitude that i know you will beat this thing. What a loving husband and children you have been blessed with. My dad recently survived a brain tumor. He underwent pinpoint radiation. He is still with us and cancer free. This is his second time having cancer. Miracles happen every day. You are such a choice daughter of Heavenly Father. He will bless you for your obedience. I love you!
Thank you for updating me, Heidi. I am so glad to know that you have excellent medical facilities and a positive outlook. I'll definitely be praying for you -- it's always good to be able to be specific in what we pray for. I figured your brother had to be in our mission b/c WV has pretty much the Charleston mission. We live in Elkins, WV which is about 2 hrs northeast of Beckley, very mountainous. He may serve in our ward or stake, so I'll look for him. You take care, and keep us informed when you feel up to it, ok?
Oh, Heidi! You are such an amazing person. I remember the first time we met. In Fort Huachuca! (where my family is now..again!) Then we kind of followed each other to NC. I think we were meant to be friends. I wish we lived closer, so we could visit again. You are so strong! I'll be praying for you everyday! I love you.
Wow! I had heard you were going in for a surgery but didn't realize it was cancer. You are an amazing woman and You can beat this. I can't believe how awesome you look after all you have been through this summer. Keep strong and if you ever want to chat my email is and my phone # is 509.449.0468. Love and miss you.
How are you doing? What is the latest? I know that your radiation treatment is next week? What an awful summer you have had. I think about you all the time. I have 3 emails partially written to you that I've never sent...I always get interrupted then never finish them. Just wanted to send a little note to check up on you and let you know that you are in our thoughts and prayers. I can't believe the summer has flown by. We have had non stop company. Everyone is finally gone and now I'm scrambling to get the kids ready to go back to school. I'd love a re-do on this past summer, then I think of you...I don't think anyone could have had a worse summer. You are amazing...hope the radiation does it's job and you'll finally be cancer free!
Praying for you....Love, Cathleen
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