We live 30 minutes from Paramount Kings Dominion. The last 2 years we have bought season passes, but we have really gotten the most use this summer. First I will start with apologizing that these are not really photos of my kids. I wanted to show the rides to go with my story. We started going in April and the first thing you do when you get to the park is get the kids measured to see what rides they can go on. Taryn was under 36" and thus limited to about 9 rides. That was fine by her, she loves all of the rides. Well over the summer she grew. We kept "measuring" her at the park and she never quite hit 36". Yesterday, it finally happened!! Right on the line! So that added the Log Ride (one of my fav's) and the kiddie roller coaster. What a look of pure enjoyment on her face!!!

The next one that had a major change yesterday was Logan. He finally hit 48" which lets him go on all of the roller coasters and the water slides. He has been upset all summer being left out of what Madison and Spencer could do. "This is awesome!" (His exact words.) He also is finally tall enough to "drive" the antique cars. He has been waiting all summer, and he was on cloud nine driving Mom around!

The next person who had a growth change this summer was Mom. No I did not add some to my height (I wish) As of yesterday, I have lost 42 pounds since May 1st. I had a wake up call back in April when I came and tried to get on a roller coaster and did not fit. I love roller coasters, but the saddest part was missing out with my kids. I got right to it, and joined a gym and weight watchers, and what a difference!! I had the best day! I have been going all summer, but too chicken to try. I am down 4" on my stomach so I thought I should give it a try, and everything fit just great! I need to loose more to be a little more comfortable when you are thrown around in those tiny seats!! It felt so awesome to be on rides with my kids! I tried 5 new roller coasters! What a rush!!

This ride... oh too scary! I chickened out at the last minute along with Logan and Spencer. Madison, however, hopped right on! You should see this ride, spinning you around and around upside down, dropping you over fire even! This was right up my alley 20 years ago. I need to get brave enough again to try it! I just had to give kudos to Madison for doing it alone!
All in all we got a lot of mileage out of our pass, and we still have until November. We have been about 14 times this summer because I was brave enough to try with the kids alone during the week, and I had a friend with a pass who would come and go with us. We have had a great time! We then have fun here with Dad on the weekends. We hope to branch out to some of King Dominions sister parks as we travel next summer! (Like Kings Island & Worlds of Fun!) Lots of fun ahead!!!
Wow many changes in your house. First of all congrats to you on losing so much weight, that's quite a number to lose and I'm sure it feels amazing. Yea to Taryn and Logan for the growth - its always fun to see how much they've grown especially since you don't really notice it because you are with them daily. Major kudos to Madison - I'm not sure I could have gone on a ride like that nonethelss all by myself. I'm glad you guys have had such a great time at Kings Dominion this summer.
Funny, we noticed the same thing this summer at Busch Gardens when the older boys were able to go on rides they couldn't go on last year.
Congrats also on the weight. I had a similar experience but on the plane. When I got on to fly back to Mexico after having Bronwyn in the US I had to squeeze in and could barely buckle the belt. Thankfully I had the baby and 2 year old Jamison sitting next to me who weren't phased when I had to raise the armrests but still, it's definately a wake up call.
OH, we love Kings Dominion...that is awesome that you have the season passes. Congratulations on your healthy changes!!! You're inspiring me.
Congratulations on your weight loss!!! What a fun summer at Kings Dominion watching the kids get to go on more rides.
Love looking at your blog, so beautiful. I'll be checking for Halloween soon. Our kids did have fun. This year was did out of the costumes and work it out. They were all pleased and that is all that matters. I am so excited to see you. Not that far now! Can't fathom it, yea!!! Think we used to hang out every night and day almost. Hehe
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