I was just beginning to have fun doing Taryn's hair in piggy tails & pony tails. It was getting long and had curls on the ends. All of that changed when my wonderful son Spencer "who was just trying to help" cut her hair off. Luckily it was not to the scalp or anything, but he did cut off about 4 inches in the back. It was one hour before church last Sunday. My friend whose name also happens to be Heidi, came to my aid and gave Taryn a very cute style. I had my cry over loosing those curls, but she really does look cute. We have had so many complements that I guess I will agree that it was not the worst thing to happen.
I know how you feel. Andrew seems to feel the need to cut his hair every once in a while. He gets buzzes quite often. Taryn's hair does look cute though and you can still do some really cute things with it.
Trent and I have been married for 14 years. We have fun loving kids who keep us active! We have been living in Virginia for 7 years, and are finally adjusting to the traffic! (NOT!) We are homeschooling and really having fun with that!
I feel your pain. That just happened to Meredith about 2 weeks ago! She looks too cute though!
Boy does she look like Spencer!! Her hair does look cute though....good save! We've had some disastrous cuts over the years.
Sorry, the last comment was me. I was signed in as my sister....I'm helping keep a missionary blog for her son.
It is a cute pageboy cut. I love it. It will be easier for you to keep combed and styled!
I think it's absolutely adorable! I personally like this look better...
I know how you feel. Andrew seems to feel the need to cut his hair every once in a while. He gets buzzes quite often. Taryn's hair does look cute though and you can still do some really cute things with it.
Her haircut is adorable! I would be quite sad, too, to lose those baby curls.
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