Today, March 3rd, Spencer is 8. There will be more pictures of him at his party after Saturday, but I have seen people do this with pictures of their kids lives, and now that I know how to work the scanner, I am going to give it a try! We began at Ft Huachuca in Sierra Vista AZ. I just had to include my big tummy, he was my biggest baby! My family came down to help since Trent was living on post going to school. Trent's family came down for the blessing. When Spencer was only 3 months old we moved to Ft Bragg in North Carolina where we lived until he was 3 1/2. Now we are living in Virginia. Spencer has always been such a sweet and loving boy. He is very creative and very sensitive. He is very smart, always figuring everything out. It is fun to watch him learn and grow, he seems to be interested in everything! He is especially interested in art and space. Another thing I love about Spencer is that he is easy to please, and everything empresses him. I am so proud of him. I am so thankful that he is our son! P.S. The picture of Trent at the bottom is giving him his light birthday spankings. :+)
What a special post. I cannot believe that he is 8. What a wonderful age. Happy Birthday Spencer!
Please wish Spencer a Happy Belated Birthday from us. I can't believe he's 8 - feels like he was just in preschool with Madi. I love the photo progression - that's such a fun thing to see.
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