We had a great Halloween! Madison wanted to be Cleopatra,, Spencer was Scooby Doo (really no difference for us, he is usually pretending to be Scooby) Logan was a Ninja Turtle, Aiden was Elmo and Taryn was Piglet. We started the evening bobbing for apples again (because they loved it so much at the party) and then we had our traditional chili. (My mom's tradition that she gave us as kids.) We went to the church for a

tri ward trunk or treat. There was so much candy that the kids went around 3 times! Logan got to have a picture with Paige. She is his best girl! He draws pictures for her almost every day. She lives on our street, so we have had fun getting together. We then came home to do a little on our street, but the kids were disappointed to find that no one was really participating this year, even our neighbors-not that they needed the candy!! We were home by 7:30, but only had a couple of kids stop by. I think with the way things are in the world today, people are sadly moving away from the door to door thing, and sticking with parties, or other functions to trick or treat. It is sad, because going door to door in my neighborhood was something, I looked forward to. Anyways, the kids then came in to check out their loot. They had fun trading and organizing their candy. We then finished the night with some pumpkin pie. I hope you all had a happy and safe one as well!! Happy Halloween!
Who is that scary guy with the kids??
Now that's the way to do it, bobbing for apples and the T or T...
I like it better when the ward activity isn't the same night as Halloween. Not that the kids need more candy but I'm with you, going door to door is maybe the only time in the year we really get out with the neighbors. Those are fellowship opportunities, a chance to be with the community.
I like the ward chili cook-off too where you can try many different chili recipes. Trunk or Treating is much more productive for the little ones who just can't make the longer distant hikes for the loot.
So, we trick or treated for about an hour which was perfect since the older kids said they had had enough. Then we went to the ward activity. I was happy that the chili part of it wasn't over yet. We only did one pass but that was enough considering that haul we had taken in earlier.
It was a great evening, the kids had a blast.
BTW, who was that joker in your picture, Trent?
The Joker was a guy from our ward. It was such a great costume that I had to get a pic! You guys are lucky to have a ward social event with your truck or treat. Maybe someday I will have a calling where I can make that suggestion! I love chili cook offs, there are so many different ways to make it! Yum!! Didn't Cathleen win last year? :+)
Wow! Look at the Cole's! Madison is so big. They look great for Halloween. I love Halloween pictures. I am so glad I met up with you. Take care.
Hey, Heidi - how your family has grown!!! So grown up....I bet you are super busy. It's good to reconnect with you.....my Mallory is 2 and Bethany will be 6 in January.
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