Taryn's birthday was packed with Fun! First we helped a friend who is moving by watching her daughter that is the same age as Taryn. We actually had a double baby shower together since we were both having a girl after several boys. So it was fun for Taryn to have Sydney over. We then went to a carnival at the YMCA. It was fun with games, rock walls (note Logan is nearly at the top) a fun little train, and an inflatable obstacle course that even Taryn did! We then finished the day at Chuck E Cheese. (We had promised the kids months ago to go there, and we did not realize it would fall on the same day as the carnival.) Mom and Dad were tired, but the kids were ready for more! Taryn hadnt been there since she was a few months old, she really loved it, running from one thing to the next. I love the pic of her on the bike with her brothers peddling to keep her up in the air and her looking around at everything. She really does have her brothers wrapped around her little finger!
At two her personality is in full bloom. She has the words "no" and "mine" down perfectly. She has a real talent at throwing tantrums and getting pitty. She is also a little Houdini. She disappears in the blink of an eye. We love her dearly despite the 2 year old behavior. Time really does go by quickly, so knowing this is our last one, we are trying to "enjoy" the behavior. One thing is for sure, she is also very good at making up to you, she is very lovy, cuddly and loves to kiss. Happy Birthday Taryn! We love you!