Nana always had a way with making us feel better with her cards. I really missed her Easter Card this year. She always makes one for each person in the family.
Today I started my day missing her. Then when I was going through a file I found some old cards from her that I had forgotten about. (The others I have hanging on the wall) These were special. They remind me of how much she cared about what was going on with me & my family. These particular cards came after I had had a very scary experience with Aiden who at the time was about 21 months old. We have a pool in our backyard-an above ground, but it is still 3 1/2 feet deep. There is a ladder that goes up to it. One day when I was out in the yard with my 1 month old baby, I lost sight of Aiden. I felt a voice tell me to find him, about that time Logan (who was then 4) yelled Mommy Aiden is in the pool. I ran over and sure enough he was on the bottom of the pool (being fully clothed with shoes.)I was able to pull him out in time and there was no permanent damage done except to my heart. I cried the rest of the day.
Nana always seemed to call when things were wrong. She caught me while I was upset. She was able to give me some comfort. But then a few days later came 5 cards. 1 for me telling me what a great mother I am , and not to worry. And 1 card to each of my children telling them how special they are to her. Logan's had a special note thanking him for telling Mother about Aiden and the pool.
I love Nana for her kindness, compassion, and love. She is a wonderful example to me of how to care about someone with all of your heart and soul. These cards will forever be a reminder of that, and a treasure to me.