Our Halloween Party was such a success!There were 13 families that participated! Thank you so much to all of the moms who helped with the games, the treats, and the cleanup! I couldnt have done this without you! I got some great pictures! I wish I could have had more, I apologize if I didnt get everyone's child in a picture, it was a very busy day! We bobbed for apples, and made caramel apples out of them. This was huge with the kids, I heard a lot of happy kids! We also decorated cookies- talk about a sugar rush! There were several fun games, but the one I think I heard the most about was "Mr Weens body parts" They had to touch a variety of gross things and guess what they were. Also thanks to my mom, who sent me a mold of a real hjman heart! Kids also loved the mummy wrap relay game, it took no time at all to wrap each other up, so fast in fact that I didnt get pictures! :+( I am sure that all had fun! Happy Halloween!